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Calling all future Mustangs and Panthers!
Grapevine/Colleyville Players


2025 Spring Football Registration Open

Spring football registration is now open. Please follow this link for more information and registration links for players and coaches

Information and Registrations

Excited for the upcoming Fall Season? 

Check out last year's schedule and information as a basic guide to how 2025 may look.

Important Info - 2024 Fall Football

Registration Opens April 1st (Closes June 30) Open to Grades K - 6th Grades
Grades K1st-2nd Flag Football ($125/player)
Grade 3rd Modified 8v8 Tackle (Fee $295/player)
Grades 4-6th Full 11v11 Tackle (Fee $295/player)
Coaching Clinic July 29 (Register Below)
Uniform Fitting Day July 9th (6pm-8pm) Dicks Sporting Goods 2701 Rio Grande Blvd Ste 200, Euless, TX 76039
Coach's Look K1st Grade July 20th 9:30am at CTMS
Coach's Look 2nd Grade July 20th 10:30am at CTMS
Coach's Look 3rd Grade N/A
Coach's Look 4th Grade N/A
Coach's Look 5th Grade July 20th 11:30 am at CTMS
Coach's Look 6th Grade July 20th 12:30pm at CTMS
Drafts July 21st (Coaches Only)
Season Start Practices start August 5th
Practice Locations GCISD Middle School Turf Fields or City Parks
Practice Day/Time Determined by Coach
NTFL Coach Meeting August 11th (Afternoon) (location TBD)
Pep Rally August 24th 6pm (MP Stadium)
Weigh-ins August 24th (Southlake - 800 N White Chapel Blvd) 6th Grade 8:45am / 5th Grade 9:15am / 4th Grade 9:45 am / 3rd Grade 10:00am
First Game September 7th (Games played on Saturdays)
Game Locations - Home Games Cross Timbers Middle School
Game Locations - Away Games Respective Home Field of Opponent
Playoffs Start November 9th

Safety and Acclimation

After last year's start with extreme weather advisory conditions, MP and the NTFL will be ensuring all teams follow the acclimation schedule below:

Equipment K-1st or 2nd

These are our flag football divisions.

Please provide your own

  • Mouthpiece (required)
  • Black shorts with no pockets
  • Cleats (no metal spikes)
  • Water bottle
  • Gloves (optional)

GCYFA will provide

  • Game jersey
  • NTFL Flags

Equipment 3rd Grade

Rookie Tackle - 3rd Grade division

Please provide your own

  • Mouthpiece (required)
  • White integrated football pants
  • Practice jersey - (your coach will determine the color)
  • Cleats (no metal spikes)
  • Water bottle
  • Gloves (optional)

GCYFA will provide

  • Helmet and Shoulder pads - We loan the helmet and shoulder pads for our 3rd Grade division. Please be on the lookout for the fitting day(s) in July
  • Game jersey

Equipment 4th, 5th, 6th

Please provide your own

  • Mouthpiece (required)
  • Helmet (White shell)
  • Shoulder pads
  • White integrated pants
  • Practice jersey -(your coach will determine the color)
  • Cleats (no metal spikes)
  • Water Bottle

Game jersey will be provided by GCYFA.

Comin Soon

Coaching Clinic 

July 29 - 5:30-7:30pm

Grapevine High School 

The Registration "Mustang Panther Youth Football" is not currently available.

Coaching Clinic

We work closely with Grapevine High School ("GHS") and Colleyville Heritage High School ("CHHS") coaching staff. We are excited to partner with them and provide a Coaching Clinic to help provide more information to our volunteer coaches. 

Objectives included discussing and demonstrating 

  • Offensive drills
  • Defensive dills
  • Small sided drills
  • Positions specific drills 
  • Best practices 
  • Terminology 

Mustang Panther Youth Football has partnered with USA Football and its implementation of the United States Olympic Committee’s AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT MODEL (ADM). This program is designed to focus on proper development of youth players, create positive experiences for players of any age, and ensure the sport of Football’s long-term viability.

GCYFA (Grapevine Colleyville Youth Football Association) and the members of the NTFL (North Texas Football League) are working to bring these programs to our participants.

We are pleased to announce that we are starting the implementation at the 2nd Grade Level this year.

  • Since the Fall of the 2019 Season – We have brought to our 3rd Grade participants USA Football’s Rookie Tackle Program. We are constantly working with/and learning from USA Football to determine the best program to incrementally develop our players to be ready for 11 player tackle football.  
  • Additionally, we are exploring other programs to enhance the development of our football players.


Due to our great sponsors, we are able to offer limited scholarships to families in need. Please follow the link for the application. 

Application link

MP Youth Football is part of the North Texas Football League (NTFL).

We play teams from the following:

2023 Sponsors